要注意混凝土护栏高速AB墙模板的清洁,保存时要选择在干净平整的场所,尽量不要与泥污接触,以免在使用时没有注意到,使高速AB墙模板中带有的泥土等混入混凝土内,导致生产出的混凝土护栏不够坚固,使用后也要立即用专用的高速AB墙模板清洁剂清洗干净,然后用抹布擦干,去除高速AB墙模板表面的水泥,避免影响下次使用;2.要注意混凝土护栏高保定平面设计培训 保定室内设计培训 保定空调移机 保定太阳能维修 保定厨房排烟 雄安管道通风 速AB墙模板的防锈,在储存时不宜选择在过于潮湿的地方,需要储存钢材质高速AB墙模板的空间是干燥通风,有顶棚遮挡的,应为潮湿的环境和阳光都会加速高速AB墙模板的氧化变形;3.定期检查和保养,注意使用前要检查高速AB墙模板是否完好,使用后也需要给高速AB墙模板涂上机油对其表面进行保护。
Pay attention to the cleaning of the high-speed AB wall formwork of the concrete guardrail. When saving, choose a clean and flat place, and try not to contact with the mud, so as not to be noticed during use, so that the soil in the high-speed AB wall formwork will be mixed into the concrete, resulting in the concrete guardrail is not strong enough. After use, it shall be cleaned immediately with a special high-speed AB wall formwork cleaner, Then wipe dry with a rag to remove the cement on the surface of the high-speed AB wall formwork to avoid affecting the next use; 2. Pay attention to the rust prevention of concrete guardrail high-speed AB wall formwork. It is not suitable to store it in a too humid place. The space where steel high-speed AB wall formwork needs to be stored is dry and ventilated and covered by a ceiling. It should be that both humid environment and sunlight will accelerate the oxidation deformation of high-speed AB wall formwork; 3. Conduct regular inspection and maintenance. Pay attention to check whether the high-speed AB wall formwork is intact before use. After use, it is also necessary to coat the high-speed AB wall formwork with engine oil to protect its surface.