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网址:www.abqiang.au08.cn  2021-06-28  作者:admin    阅读:

防撞墙模具制作新技术讲究的是对称性,由于往往两块模板中间的厚度是可以调节的,但需要保证高度统一,并且不会出现高度差,这样施工起来不仅左右连接的正确性可以保证,也对模板起到一定的保护作用。防撞墙板模具是由两片组合使用,所以又叫“AB”墙板。两片不同的墙板,一直板和一弧形板组合在一起使用,正因为此模具是现浇制作,所以对于模具的要求也是非常高的。 防撞墙模貝在使用范围较为普遍,特别是在某些高速路、铁路线、及其桥梁保定平面设计培训 保定室内设计培训 保定空调移机 保定太阳能维修 保定厨房排烟 雄安管道通风 等地放全都在使用的到,防撞墙模貝的型号规格是由在使用的施工地点来决定的,常用的有梯型和长方形二种,选用的是冷轧钢拼接而成的,一般总长度在1-2米中间。
The new technology of anti-collision wall mold production stresses symmetry. Because the thickness between the two templates can be adjusted, it is necessary to ensure that the height is uniform and there will be no height difference. In this way, the correctness of left-right connection can be guaranteed and the template can be protected. The anti-collision wallboard mold is composed of two pieces, so it is also called "ab" wallboard. Two different wallboards are used in combination with an arc-shaped board. Because the mold is cast-in-place, the requirements for the mold are also very high. The anti-collision wall form shell is widely used, especially in some expressways, railway lines, bridges and other places. The model and specification of the anti-collision wall form shell are determined by the construction site in use. There are two commonly used types: ladder type and rectangle type, which are made of cold rolled steel, and the total length is generally 1-2m.

